Rental Application
You’ll be home soon!
Oasis offers more than a place to live. We offer complete housing support for people who need mid-term leasing when transitioning to Little Rock. We want you to know a couple friendly faces when you come to the area, and we also want you to have a smooth, convenient living experience while here.
That’s why we offer so many a la carte services, like pet sitting, cleaning services, and more. We’ve already handled every detail for you—and will continue to do so!
All you’ll need to do is show up. You work hard on the job, and we want you to rest hard in your Oasis. Reach out today!
Fillable Application Form
Prefer to print or email in your application? Click here to automatically download the application form. Be sure to save the form to your desktop before filling it out. Email to upon completion.
Rental Application
Should the applicant have any question regarding the rental unit, please contact Bonnie Robertson at: or (501) 681-9363